European HealthTech Market Map
Market Map, Christoph Ruedig
European HealthTech Market Map
Are you wondering what is driving the Health Tech industry forward, the state of digital adoption, where the next European Health Tech unicorn is likely to come from? We at AlbionVC do, so we created a Health Tech primer for Europe, our thoughts on the state and future of technology in European healthcare. Read here
Having reviewed the fundamentals and key drivers of change within the industry, we’ve mapped key digital pharma and digital care startups in Europe (including the UK).
This is not an exhaustive list of all startups in the European ecosystem, rather it outlines our view of market segments and key players within each.
We will continue to updated the map, to submit a startup that you think should be on the map please fill in this short form
We will continue to updated the map, to submit a startup that you think should be on the map please fill in this short form